Video software development and
consulting services
All about VIDEO services
VOD and streaming platforms development
Since 2007 actually, we help all kinds of businesses to use the full power of video technologies to bring the full-color experience for your customers.
If you are a TV channel or media company and you want to put your content online to monetize it and clearly understand that YouTube or any other 3rd party video platform is no good for you.
If you are a social media or application, and you want to allow your users to stream or upload video, edit, process it, make it the part of your user experience anyhow.
Web, Mobile, Apple TV, SmartTV and STB apps development
Building a platform alone is no good without front-end applications and not only for iOS and Android.
We can offer rapid app development based on white-label frameworks or our team of iOS and Android developers can build your custom applications from the scratch.

We offer development for popular brands Smart TVs like Samsung, LG, Philips, Panasonic, Sony, and also for less known ones.
SaaS/PaaS video platform - all-in-one platform that runs all our solutions at once since 2010:
  • private CDN bandwidth + 3rd party CDN partners for peak load;
  • Multi DRM supported - Fairplay, Playready, Widevine;
  • DVR;
  • LIVE;
  • Billing and Monitoring System;
  • CMS/MW and HTML5 player;
Customizable HTML5 player - Video.Js on steroids. Perfect for encrypted or non-encrypted live streaming and VOD content. Supports VPAID, VAST Ad standart, advanced timeline, multiple audio tracks, hot keys.
..and many more little things to choose from and decide about!
We help you make the right decisions on every step of your video workflow
People expect to start watching video almost instantly after clicking the Play button. If you don't meet that quality standard - you lose customers. And there is a lot going on behind the scenes that makes the sleek experience possible.
And we are here to help you to make the right decisions on every step of this quest and save you tons of money
You face dozens of choices starting with a proper setup of encoder/transcoder for your type of content, choosing the right hardware, right DRM, advertising provider and even cutting a deal with CDN at the end of the day.
Features of software for transmuxing/transcoding of industry grade and UGC VOD content
  • Source files inputs formats (http-server; ftp-server; sftp-server server, local folder, API)
  • Output upload to a remote server via ssh, WebDav
  • Fixed keyframes interval support, bitrate within the specified range throughout the video file
  • Mono, stereo, 4.0, 5.1 audio support
  • Video preview auto generation in MP4, Webp
  • Thumbnail auto generation (any number and any quality, including several thumbnails in one image)
  • Video processing: rotation, cropping, audio normalization, watermarking, logos
  • Re-conversion with changed parameters
  • Queue prioritization
  • Conversion process control by API and WebHook
  • Removing, saving and adding subtitles
  • Concatenating VoD m3u8 to whole mp4
  • Joining intervals hls vod to separated small mp4 files
  • Inserting modified video fragments back to hls vod, e.g. for advertise insertion
Subtitles codecs supported
  • WebVTT
  • MOV-text
  • SubRip
  • ASS
  • etc
API and admin panel allows
  • send video file to conversion
  • control conversion process
  • pause and resume conversion process
  • raise and lower the priorities
  • monitor the conversion queue
Individual Approach
Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method lets us to get success in problems of all levels.
AI based features
  • picture-based subtitles recognition
  • vertical animated thumbnails generation, according to the context (Autoflip)
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