VOD advertising monetization platform
You have got content - we do the rest to monetize it!
Upload your content and relax
We take care of everything. We store, deliver, embed advertising into your content then bring the audience and you start making money.
Fine-tuned AVOD unit economy
We offer a vast partner network that's eager for new content of all types and ready to push yours! Targeted and powered by all types of Ad Insertion your content starts to perform. Our monetization staff fine-tunes the advertising exposure, so you get the most of it. We control delivery costs and don't let CDN eat up your profit.
The magic is in optimization, great targeting and trusted network.
SaaS or white label
You keep control of your content at any time. If you already have a website or mobile apps, we will help you to embed the monetization enabled a player or provide an API. But you can choose to distribute the content in the network even without your own website.
How much do I make?
That's simple and transparent.
Your visitor on your website makes you up to 30% share of advertising income.
All the rest visitors bring you up to 10%.
We provide complete performance statistics.
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